Brianna Released 30 lbs to Feel Healthier
Brianna released 30 lbs on Dr. Lara’s weight loss plan and feels amazing now.
What encouraged you to enroll with Dr. Lara’s weight loss plan?
I was encouraged to enroll in the weight loss program because for two months I did not feel good. I was miserable and my doctor told me I needed to lose some weight. For two months I was so dizzy and had lots of pressure in my head, so I came to Dr. Lara's and joined the weight loss plan.
What did you experience during your weight loss journey?
The first week of protein-only was very hard but I pushed myself. Then after the five days of protein-only I got the hang of it. I kept pushing myself and kept losing weight.
I started at 138 lbs and I was happy that I went down to 125 lbs on the weight loss plan. I told myself my goal is 115 lbs, and now I have passed that goal and I’m now 107 lbs.
What is the one thing becoming healthier has most improved?
I feel much better and I will never go back. I eat a lot healthier and I don’t eat sweets all the time anymore. I also try to exercise as much as I can.
What would you say to someone considering Dr. Lara’s weight loss program?
I would encourage everyone to start Dr. Lara’s weight loss program. It’s an amazing program! I feel amazing now. I have gained more confidence in myself. This program has helped me a lot.