How Can I Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite?

Cellulite is a common skin condition caused by collections of fat that form underneath the skin, leading to visible areas of lumpy, dimpled flesh. Cellulite usually affects the thighs, but can also occur around the butt, hips, and abs.

Women are much more likely to develop cellulite than men due to different natural distributions of fat, muscle, and connective tissue. In fact, 90% of post-adolescent women are estimated to experience cellulite at some point in their lives.(1)

90% of post-adolescent women are estimated to experience cellulite at some point in their lives.

There are no known health risks associated with cellulite, and medical treatment isn’t necessary. However, there are effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Scientific illustration of the appearance of cellulite

Skin with cellulite show left, skin without cellulite on right.

What Causes Cellulite?

The appearance of cellulite has been linked to a number of factors.


Like many things having to do with our bodies, heredity often plays an important role in the appearance of cellulite. If your parents or grandparents experienced cellulite you’re far more likely to experience it yourself.(2) Genetic factors linked to the development of cellulite include metabolism, fat distribution, and circulation levels.


Thankfully genetics are only one factor, and factors like diet and nutrition also play an important role in developing silky, smooth skin. Consuming a diet low in carbs and salt and high in fiber is likely to lead to lower amounts of cellulite.(3)

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Regular exercise won’t cure or prevent cellulite, but it can help reduce its appearance. In particular, strengthening the areas where cellulite typically appears can help to firm and tone the muscles – leading to tighter, smoother looking skin.


Cellulite is not simply fat, and slim people frequently develop cellulite (remember 90% of women will experience it in their lifetime). However, cellulite is most prevalent and severe in people with excess body fat. Reducing excess body fat can also help reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Age causes the skin to becomes less elastic, thinner, and more likely to sag which increases the chance of cellulite developing.

Cellulite Severity Scale

In 2009, researches published a cellulite severity scale. The scale analyzes the five key visible features of cellulite, to grade each occurrence on a scale of 1-3 as mild, moderate, and severe.

  1. Mild: No dimpling or apparent visible alterations to the skin surface upon standing or lying down. Dimpling appears with a pinch test or muscular contraction.
  2. Moderate: Dimpling appears spontaneously when standing but not when lying down. The orange peel appearance of the skin is evident to the naked eye, without need for manipulation.
  3. Severe: Dimpling is spontaneously present when both standing and lying down, evident to the naked eye without need for manipulation. Orange peel skin surface appearance with raised areas and nodules.

How Can I Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite?

Green Laser Therapy

Our exclusive Formnovélle™ green laser treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite by draining and healing the pockets of fat trapped under the skin. We treat patients with the newest FDA-approved Emerald & Verju lasers which are shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite by one full grade on the Cellulite Severity Scale above.

We treat patients with the newest FDA-approved Emerald & Verju lasers which are shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite by one full grade on the Cellulite Severity Scale above.

Green laser therapy is also very effective for reducing excess subcutaneous fat. Learn more about how the treatments work and how they differ from common fat freezing treatments.

Mesoderm Cream

Mesoderm is our topical anti-cellulite cream designed to help dissolve stubborn fat deposits, soothe the skin, and improve skin texture. The cream is effective alone, and really shines when combined with our green laser treatments.

Schedule a complimentary consultation today to speak with a specialist about the best ways to treat and reduce your cellulite.


  1., The Appearance of Cellulite
  2., Cellulite Facts & Fiction
  3. Medical News Today, Everything You Need to Know About Cellulite