Cucumber Turkey Roll-Ups

Get a little crunch from these Cucumber Turkey Roll-Ups, the perfect bite-sized snack that doesn't need cooking or baking.

Prep Time: 5 mins   Cook Time: mins

Looking for a healthy snack? Look no further. These Cucumber Turkey Roll-Ups are easy to pull together and require no cooking or baking. Don't forget to dry the cucumber for a terrific crunch with these snack bites. They're perfect when you need something to keep you going on your healthy weight loss plan.  This recipe is a serving and has 1 protein and .8 tsp of sugar.


Prep Time: 5 mins
Yield: 1

Categories: Lunch Ideas, Snacks

Cuisine: American Recipes


  • 1 cup of cucumber
  • 1oz turkey breast
  • Light mayo
  • Everything but the bagel seasoning


  1. Cut cucumber and dry
    Cut the cucumber into strips, place strips on a paper towel, and pat dry.
  2. Add mayo
    Add a layer of light mayo
  3. Divide turkey breast
    Divide the 1 oz of turkey breast evenly between all of the strips
  4. Roll and make mini bites
    Gently roll it up and secure it with toothpicks evenly spaced. Cut between the toothpicks
  5. Add seasoning (optional)
    Optional - add salt and pepper and/or the everything but the bagel seasoning Enjoy!

Nutrition Info:

Serving Size: 1