BHRT: The Benefits of Pills and Creams Over Pellets

Introduction to BHRT

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a popular choice for people seeking to alleviate hormonal imbalances, slow the effects of aging, and improve their overall well-being. BHRT uses hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the human body, offering a natural approach to hormone therapy.

Learn more about BHRT, common symptoms of a hormone imbalance, and the difference between bioidentical vs. synthetic hormones.

In today’s article, we’ll look at a few of the most popular ways to administer BHRT and explore the benefits of using pills and creams instead of pellets.

Understanding BHRT Administration Methods

There are several ways to administer BHRT, each with its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks. Three of the most common methods include:

  1. Pills: Oral administration involves taking bioidentical hormones in a daily pill form.
  2. Creams: Topical application allows hormones to be absorbed through the skin.
  3. Pellets: Small pellets containing hormones are surgically inserted under the skin in the hips or buttocks, usually once every 3-6 months.

At my weight loss and wellness clinics, we prescribe BHRT treatments in pill or cream form instead of pellets for a number of reasons.

Benefits of Pills and Creams Over Pellets

1. Non-Invasive Nature

One of the most significant advantages of pills and creams over pellets is their non-invasive nature. As with any surgical procedure, when administering BHRT via pellets there is a risk of infection at the insertion site. Symptoms of infection may include redness, swelling, and pain. Additionally, some individuals experience long-term scarring at the insertion site. This can vary based on individual skin types and healing processes, as well as the skill of the practitioner performing the insertion. While many people heal without noticeable scars, others develop small, lasting marks.

Pills and creams do not require any surgical procedures, eliminating the risks associated with incisions, such as infections, scarring, and discomfort. Patients can avoid the anxiety and potential complications of undergoing a minor surgery.

2. Ease of Dosage Adjustments

Pills and creams offer greater flexibility in adjusting hormone dosages. As hormonal needs can fluctuate over time due to various factors including stress, lifestyle changes, and aging, being able to easily modify the dosage is crucial for optimal treatment.

On the other hand, once pellets are inserted, the dosage is fixed until the pellets dissolve, which can take months. Pills and creams allow for quick and precise adjustments to address your changing needs effectively.

3. Convenience and Control

Pills and creams provide greater convenience and control over your treatment. Oral and topical applications can be easily self-administered, fitting seamlessly into daily routines. This convenience is especially beneficial if you have a busy lifestyle and may find it challenging to continuously schedule and attend follow-up appointments for pellet insertions.

4. Immediate Response to Side Effects

In the event of side effects or adverse reactions, pills and creams offer the advantage of immediate response. If you experience discomfort or issues with the treatment, you can promptly stop or work with your provider to adjust the dosage. With pellets, side effects may persist until the pellets naturally dissolve, leaving patients to endure discomfort for an extended period.

5. Personalized Treatment

Pills and creams allow for a more personalized approach to BHRT. Our providers can tailor the dosage and combination of hormones to precisely meet your unique needs. This personalized treatment can lead to better outcomes and improved symptom relief compared to the one-size-fits-all approach that pellets may offer.

6. Less Downtime

Finally, another big drawback of BHRT pellets for many patients is the downtime required after each procedure. Patients who receive treatments via pellet insertions are directed to avoid activities like swimming, soaking in hot tubs, and doing exercises that target the area of insertion for two weeks after each insertion. With pellet insertions generally required every few months, this can add up to a lot of downtime throughout the year.

Practical Considerations for Pills and Creams

While pills and creams offer numerous benefits, it’s essential to consider practical aspects to ensure effective treatment:

  • Consistency: It’s important to adhere to a consistent daily schedule when taking pills or applying creams to maintain stable hormone levels.
  • Absorption: For creams, proper application to clean, dry skin is crucial for optimal absorption.
  • Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are necessary to monitor hormone levels and adjust treatment as needed.


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) using pills and creams presents a flexible, convenient, and non-invasive option for addressing hormonal imbalances. The ability to easily adjust dosages, immediate response to side effects, and personalized treatment plans make pills and creams a preferred choice for many patients. If you’re considering BHRT, understanding the benefits of these administration methods can help you make an informed decision and achieve better health and well-being. Consult with a healthcare provider to explore if BHRT with pills or creams is the right option for you.