Thumbnail for What is the Lymphatic System’s Role in Weight Loss?: blog-lymph-nodes 09/28/2021 What is the Lymphatic System’s Role in Weight Loss? The lymphatic system’s role in weight loss is to absorb digestive fat from the small intestine…
Thumbnail for How Can I Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite?: blog-appearance-of-cellulite-featured-image-final 08/26/2021 How Can I Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite? Our patients reduce the appearance of cellulite with the help of diet, exercise, green laser therapy,…
Thumbnail for Body Sculpting Cream & Supplements: What Do You Recommend?: blog-image-for-body-sculpting-cream-final 07/27/2021 Body Sculpting Cream & Supplements: What Do You Recommend? As patients discover the power of our Formnovélle™ green laser body sculpting, we’ve been receiving…
Thumbnail for What’s the Difference Between Visceral & Subcutaneous Fat?: getting-rid-of-belly-fat-2 06/23/2021 What’s the Difference Between Visceral & Subcutaneous Fat? Visceral fat is found deep inside the body and wraps around many vital organs, while subcutaneous…
Thumbnail for How Many Net Carbs Are in a Teaspoon of Sugar?: blog-teaspoon-of-sugar 05/26/2021 How Many Net Carbs Are in a Teaspoon of Sugar? One teaspoon of sugar is equal to five net grams of carbohydrates (net carbohydrates equals total…
Thumbnail for Why Is Getting Rid of Belly Fat So Difficult?: blog-belly-fat-shirt 04/28/2021 Why Is Getting Rid of Belly Fat So Difficult? Getting rid of belly fat requires approaching it from two separate angles—the weight loss angle and…